The origins of badminton can be traced back around 2000 years ago, and it gets its name from Badminton House in Gloucestershire, England. I once represented my primary school for a badminton tournament, but lost in the second round. I only know how to return the shuttle straight back to the opponent. Rackets back then was still made with T-joints, and names like Carbonex and Blacken was everybody's choice.
All different colours, all different tensions. Defending or attacking, I am covered. :D
My weapons...
I recently took up badminton again after few years of hiatus. A good two hours of playing and I'm back home with a very wet shirt and smelly armpits. At first it was hard and tiring. After just a round or two, I can't barely keep up with the pace and missed most of my shots. But now, even though I'm still far from my top fitness level, at least I can play more rounds, make a decent smash and able to return a backhand shot back to the opponent's back court.
Just came back from badminton, and I shot my fellow colleagues in action. Using 50mm f1.7, iso 1600 on Shutter priority mode(1/160).
Zukri aiming high.
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