There are a few race sets available, the latest one is Formula One 2008, along with British Touring Championship, F1 1997, 1986, Indy and Champcars. F1 2009 is in the making, and I'm looking foward to that. After registration, pick up the race of your choice. You can pick any teams(if still available) and you together with your new teammate can share car setups information to win each race. For F1 racing, although Ferrari, Mclaren and Renault are competitive in real F1 race, you can do well in a Torro Rosso or Force India as long as your car setups are good.

The setup settings page.

This is how you view your performance after each race. Now I'm racing a Super Aguri!
Sounds easy? Yes, but batracer is more than just setups and race. Your chances of winning are influenced by your qualification and race streategy too. Tyre of choice and pitstops all play a part. And not forgetting you driving style. Too much of aggresion, and your chances of getting in a collision is high. Setups are mostly done by moving the slider bar left and right. You get your own mechanic to advise you on your initial setup.
Interested? Then here proceed. See you there!