I love big ships. I always wonder and amazed on just how those gigantic bodies able to stay afloat. When a few of them landed on KK ports, I stopped at the roadside and examined the details of it. Not forgetting to take some photos so that I'm able to zoom closer. When the Malaysian navy showcases some of its fleet in conjunction with the "Freedom of entry' event, I just could not miss the opportunity to get a closer view.
Not bothered by the hot weather and blistered soles (I moved a lot when shooting for the parade earlier), my heart jumped when I saw those ships. It might not be the biggest, but getting into and actually feel what our navy guys are experiencing, is already a big thing for me.
Luckily, due to the hot weather, the visitors were less. Easier for me to move around and checked the equipments on board. The navy personals were kind enough to let me take photos of almost everything. Sadly, the only ship that I remembered it's name is KD Kedah. Maybe because it was the biggest there.

If this hits your forehead, I think you will adorned the navy mark forever.

Looks heavy, used to shoot slow moving airplanes too.

View from the top deck.

Holy binoculars. I can see some KK buildings clearly from Sabah Port.

Looks old, but it can be activated with or without a pilot.

One navy personal giving us some briefings.

This can shoot up to 3 kilometers away!