Friday, April 10, 2009

Butter fish and oyster sauce braised mushrooms

I must admit that I love cooking. Not the complex, a lot of ingredients type dishes but simple, easy and fast to cook ones. I learned a lot from my mom but until now I still can't cook any curry dishes yet. I found it hard to get the right taste. Spaghetti is one of my fave too.

It's been a while since I warmed up the stove, so just now for Easter, I cooked fish fried in butter and oyster sauce mushrooms. Went to Giant for window shopping, felt so hungry but I don't know what to eat. I passed by the fish section in Giant, saw some butters and in a flash I was already drooling and imagining the finished dish. Yum2!

Ingredients :

Fish :D
Some onions
Salt and pepper

Just dip the fish into the hot butter in the wok, and pick it up when it's cooked. Easy as that. Oh ya, one more thing, cook it with love. It will come out tasty!

Cook it with love, it will come out like this or better. Less love, it might be a bit darker. :D

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